About the portal

The coordination of the Government Portal is carried out by the Office of the Regional Secretary of the Presidency for Parliamentary Affairs (SRAPAP).

Technical maintenance is carried out by the Regional Directorate for Public Works and Communications.

The renovated Portal of the Government of the Azores was developed following a Public Tender. This Portal fully assumes its mission of digital service provided to citizens. It is a project that transforms the way the Government of the Azores delivers information and services online, taking advantage of technological development to make the Azorean public administration more efficient and effective in its dialogue with the citizen. The Portal adopts a user-centered design, namely through the strategy of concentration of content (information) and public services in a single Government Portal.

The Azores Government Portal intends to enhance the relationship between citizens and the Government, acting as a simplifier of administrative processes, contributing to the dynamization of an intelligent, sustainable, and innovative administration, with the objective of reducing bureaucracy, streamlining procedures and amplifying official information and as a channel for citizen participation. The Azores Government Portal is a project for everyone, looking for the maximum expression of inclusion through mechanisms of usability and accessibility.

The modernization of public services, the promotion of electronic services, together with the discoverability of contents and the provision of citizen participation tools, are the most important assets of this platform, fully aligning the Azorean Government Portal with the Digital Agenda route European - Europe 2020 Initiative and with the Azores Digital and Technological Agenda.